Troubleshoot the issue.
The chair has no power
1. Inspect the chairs power cord(s) and elements to assure it is not damaged and that all the connections are securely connected.
2. Verify that the light on the Power Supply is on.
3. If the Power Supply is damaged, or the light is not on, stop here and contact our Customer Experience team..
4. Bypass the Battery Backup, per Figure 10 below.
5. If the chair has power with the Battery backup removed, stop here and contact our Customer Experience team..
6. Unplug the chair from the power outlet.
7. Wait 30 seconds, plug in the chair back in.
8. If the chair still has no power, stop here and contact our Customer Experience team.
The chair powers off when restoring
9. If the chair powers off or stutters when restoring, contact our Customer Experience team.
The Remote Control flashes when restoring
10. If the Remote Control flashes when restoring, contact our Customer Experience team.
If you continue to have trouble, please contact our Customer Experience team.
By Phone: 800-355-2762 Monday through Thursday, 7:00am–4:30pm, and Friday 7:00am-3:30pm (PST)
By eMail: